Conducting research at Youth Detention Center, Jakarta, August-September, 2022 by Nurjannah

The cell block where all child detainees are accommodated
The clinic at the youth detention center
The Youth Detention Center is surrounded by a fishpond, so the detainees can be trained in fish farming
Training in vegetable gardening; watering the plants
Muslim detainees study the Qur’an regularly with an Imam
Child detainees are given a chance to continue their education, and work for a high school diploma. Through the alternative pathway provided by the detention center and the provincial education office.
Dr. Nurjannah, with university students (who are doing field work at the detention centre), visiting a baking class for child detainees.
Child detainees can also learn baking, to provide them with a skill they can use after they leave the Detention Center
Afternoon activities; making music
Child detainees learning how to print on T-shirts
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Pilot testing activities at selected schools in Banda Aceh, May, 2022

Dr. Rina Suryani Oktari, Dr. Nurjannah and Susanne Argamaso Maher shared the feedback on the conduct of the pilot study in Banda Aceh during the school visit
Group picture of the school teams from SMPN Z and SMPN Y, Universitas Syiah Kuala team and Dr. Nurjannah (the postdoc fellow from DIGNITY: in blue scarf)
Students at the computer room of SMPN Y, Banda Aceh
Hydroponic plants as one of student activities at SMPN Y
Hallway at SMPN Z, Banda Aceh, is equipped with handwashing station to prevent COVID-19 and bins for waste segregation
Multipurpose room at SMPN Z, Banda Aceh used for praying and other activities for large number of students
Sports court at SMPN Z, Banda Aceh used for extracurricular activities
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School visits to selected schools in Depok, March-April, 2022

Teachers’ lounge seems crowded as all teachers were in one room due to room shortage at the school
The sport court at SMPN X, Depok belongs to SMPN Y, occupied together because SMPN X does not have the permanent building yet
Dr. Heru Susetyo from Universitas Indonesia (in plaid shirt) and Dr. Nurjannah met the school team at SMPN X
Group picture of the school team at SMPN X, Depok with the research team
Dr. Nurjannah, postdoc from DIGNITY (in blue scarf) met the principal of SMPN P, Depok Hikmah Binoardi, M.Pd. ( in black scarf) to discuss the SCSS program
Small garden at SMPN P used for student learning
Group picture of school team at SMPN P, Depok with Universitas Indonesia team and postdoc from DIGNITY
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Visit of Study Site at Depok

Students from middle school X (SMP X) share their building with SMPN Y due to school renovation
Group photo of Universitas Indonesia (UI) team along with SMP X principal and vice principal
SMP X, school closed for two weeks for Ied Al-Fitr vacation in April, 2022.
Universitas Indonesia (UI) team meeting with principal and vice principal of SMP P
Outside the school library. SMP P gets their own building after more than two years of renovation
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Training of trainers & Team Building in Banda Aceh, 16th of February 2022

The Dean of Medical School, Universitas Syiah Kuala – Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Maimun Syukri, Nephrologist, opened the Training of Trainer of school team on 16 February 2022
The head of District Education Office of Banda Aceh, Sulaiman Bakri, S.Pd., M.Pd. fully supports the Safe Community Safe School (SCSS) program implemented at middle schools in Banda Aceh
Group photo session of school team and USK team
Dr. Suryani Oktarina (co-PI) from Universitas Syiah Kuala explained the SCSS model to the school team
The head of District Education Office of Banda Aceh, Sulaiman Bakri, S.Pd., M.Pd. drapes the medal to officially assign the school team
One of school team member, Muhammad Asri, M.Pd, presented the work of plan for his school team
Participants and facilitator had ice breaking during the ToT
The school team discussed the work plan for the SCSS model implementation
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Banda Aceh, 16 February 2022 :

Launching SCSS Program

Banda Aceh, 18 November 2021 :​

The head of District Education Office of Banda Aceh, Sulaiman Bakri, S.Pd., M.Pd. opened and launched the SCSS program in Banda Aceh at the kick-off meeting on 18 November 2021
The Dean of Medical School, Universitas Syiah Kuala – Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Maimun Syukri, Nephrologist, give full support for the USK team in conducting the study and implement the SCSS model
Group photo session at the launching SCSS program
The head of District Education Office of Banda Aceh, Sulaiman Bakri, S.Pd., M.Pd, the Dean of Medical School, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Prof. Dr. Maimun Syukri, Nephrologist, the school team representative, the co-PI at USK team beat the tambourine to officially launched the SCSS program in Banda Aceh
Dr. Sharlenna Wang from DIGNITY introduced the research project using zoom meeting
School team and USK team (photo group session)
Dr. Beverly Kongston from Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence, University of Colorado Boulder presented the Safe Community Safe School Model
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