Teachers’ lounge seems crowded as all teachers were in one room due to room shortage at the school
The sport court at SMPN X, Depok belongs to SMPN Y, occupied together because SMPN X does not have the permanent building yet
Dr. Heru Susetyo from Universitas Indonesia (in plaid shirt) and Dr. Nurjannah met the school team at SMPN X
Group picture of the school team at SMPN X, Depok with the research team
Dr. Nurjannah, postdoc from DIGNITY (in blue scarf) met the principal of SMPN P, Depok Hikmah Binoardi, M.Pd. ( in black scarf) to discuss the SCSS program
Small garden at SMPN P used for student learning
Group picture of school team at SMPN P, Depok with Universitas Indonesia team and postdoc from DIGNITY