Our Approaches
Comprehensive: The SCSS Model defines ‘school safety’ broadly. The definition includes social, emotional, and physical safety and encourages the use of both prevention and intervention. Prevention means addressing the root causes of violence by increasing the safety of the areas in the long run, and intervention means decreasing threats in the currently unsafe environment.
Monitoring, evaluation, and learning:
Research methodologies
Four studies are integral parts of the original SCSS model in Colorado, USA:
1. Action Plan Questionnaire
2. Pre-Post School Climate Survey (pupils, staff, parents)
3. Readiness Assessment
4. Process Evaluation (e.g. implementation fidelity)
The following three studies planned for Indonesia are supplementary to the original version of SCSS model:
1. Assessment of Recognition of Signs, Symptoms and Practice
2. Analysis of Social Networks, Peer Contagion and Social Media Violence
3. Pre-Post-Clinical Assessment