Banda Aceh, 18 November 2021 :
The head of District Education Office of Banda Aceh, Sulaiman Bakri, S.Pd., M.Pd. opened and launched the SCSS program in Banda Aceh at the kick-off meeting on 18 November 2021
The Dean of Medical School, Universitas Syiah Kuala – Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Maimun Syukri, Nephrologist, give full support for the USK team in conducting the study and implement the SCSS model
Group photo session at the launching SCSS program
The head of District Education Office of Banda Aceh, Sulaiman Bakri, S.Pd., M.Pd, the Dean of Medical School, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Prof. Dr. Maimun Syukri, Nephrologist, the school team representative, the co-PI at USK team beat the tambourine to officially launched the SCSS program in Banda Aceh
Dr. Sharlenna Wang from DIGNITY introduced the research project using zoom meeting
School team and USK team (photo group session)
Dr. Beverly Kongston from Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence, University of Colorado Boulder presented the Safe Community Safe School Model
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