Evaluation & monitoring visit from May 11th – 14th, 2023 by Nurjannah and Morten Koch Andersen

Ferena, Site Coordinator at Universitas Indonesia, explains the results of student climate survey to the school team in the result sharing workshop
All school team members, Dr. Morten Koch Anderson (Principal Investigator from University of Copenhagen) and Raisha (research assistant) participate in the result sharing workshop
Ferena (site coordinator, left), Amelia (research assistant, middle) and Dimas (researcher, right) explain how to interpret and check the results of the school climate survey
Dr. Morten Koch Anderson (Principal Investigator from University of Copenhagen, blue shirt) discusses the progress of the project with Dr. Dicky Pelupessi (co-PI from Universitas Indonesia, middle) and Dr. Heru Susetyo (co-PI from Universitas Indonesia, black shirt) along with a researcher and an assistant researcher
Raisha (research assistant, left), Dr. Nurjannah Nurjannah (postdoctoral scholar, middle) and Dr. Morten Koch Anderson (Principal Investigator from University of Copenhagen) participate in the result sharing workshop with the school team members.
Left to right: Billy (Officer of Social Rehabilitation Center), Reisa, Morten, Lili (Officer of Social Rehabilitation Center), Heru. After observing the children's daily activities, and interviewing officers and children at the Cileungsi Social Rehabilitation Center, West Java, Indonesia.
Officers and trainers explain training activities for craft-making to the research team. Making crafts from wood and cement is one of the daily routine activities for all children fostered at the Cileungsi Social Rehabilitation Center, West Java, Indonesia
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